Saturday, September 30, 2017

Our Week Of Learning

What a wonderful week we had together. On Monday we were learning about the letter Vv so we decided to make a volcano.  As you can tell from the pictures the students LOVED it!

We are continuing to work on learning our names and our friend's names.

We went on a letter X hunt around our room. We had to highlight an X on a paper each time we found one.

Thank you to the Blue Box Reading Program for coming to read to us and for our new books!

Choice time fun.

More letter X fun.

My apple peeler was a huge hit!  Who knew peeling apples could be so fun.  We tasted red, yellow and green apples.  Red was the class favorite.

The students were amazed at how long the peeling was.

We made apple decorations for our windows.

We made applesauce on Friday.  We had LOTS of wonderful helpers.

We enjoyed our applesauce on the porch.

Have a wonderful weekend!

Friday, September 22, 2017

Our Week Of Learning

We put up our pumpkins from last week and we are happy to celebrate the season of fall.

 We painted fall trees with Q-tips.

Healthy Floyd visited and brought some yummy vegetables to share.

Ms. Leah shared a lesson on how to keep bad germs away.

We created some wonderful sculptures out of tooth picks and gum drops.

On Friday we enjoyed our first STEAM challenge. STEAM stands for Science Technology Engineering Art and Math. We read The Five Little Pumpkins and acted out the story.

We had to build a structure to support our five little pumpkins. (water bottle lids painted orange) We had all kinds of wooden blocks, craft sticks and pretend pumpkins to create with.  Once we built a support for the plastic pumpkins we worked together as a team to create a large structure to hold five real mini pumpkins.

Have a great weekend.