Saturday, February 14, 2015

Our LOVELY Week In Review

We had a terrific week together. It was full of hearts, love and learning.

  Thanks to Mr. Craighead we had a 6 foot 4 inch Abe Lincoln to color. (yes, that was his true height)

We compared our height to his.

 We read  Abe Lincoln's Hat and wrote about what we would keep in his hat.

"If I had Abe's hat, I would put a cookie inside." Jamie

" If I had Abe's hat, I would put a TV inside." By Colton

Hanna built  Abe Lincoln out of blocks.

  Look at all of my girls looking sweet and pretty in pink!

Doing a little candy heart addition. 

 Great team work with the blocks!

The weather was a little chilly a couple of days so we practiced our dance moves with

We had a LOVELY valentine's day.

Look at these cute "love bug" cupcakes Laiden's Mom made. So cute and yummy!

We had to say goodbye  to one of our school family members Friday.  She will be attending Floyd Elementary. We wish her the best. She will be missed.


Friday, February 6, 2015

Our Week In Review

It is hard to believe it is February!  Judging by the weather this week I think our groundhog prediction is more accurate.  Bring on the spring weather. (although one good snow would be nice)
  On Monday we wrote about a groundhog and did a little groundhog addition fun.

In math we measured objects with sticks, cubes and paperclips. 

 We started our money unit. I think we have some future bankers in our class.

We are hard at work becoming great readers.

Speaking of reading...we love to read in ALL kinds of cozy spots.

 We took advantage of some warmer weather and soaked up some sunshine.

In Social Sciences we discussed lights and shadows.  We had a blast tracing our shadows.

We played a little light game with our sight words.

We ended up our week by making shadow art.

  We had a GREAT week of learning!