It has been a busy two weeks in preschool. We have been working on our end of the year PALs testing, making surprise Mother's Day gifts and practicing for our end of the year not as many pictures were taken.
We have been learning how to take care of our Earth and make it a better place by recycling.
We created an Earth by dropping green and blue water onto coffee filters.
For snack we had "Earth" cupcakes.
We made flowers out of old newspapers.
Our chicks are still very popular in our class. We have been taking them outside on warm, sunny days.
This little chick really liked the camera.
It has been perfect weather to take some of our centers outside on the deck.
This will be our last blog post of the school year. We will be busy preparing our slide show for graduation. It is hard to believe this year is almost over. We have had a wonderful year full of learning and fun. This group of preschoolers are ready to fly the nest and head to Kindergarten! What great joy they have brought to our hearts.
Have a wonderful weekend!