Friday, May 6, 2016

Our Week Of Learning

We are busy growing all kinds of things in our classroom....chicks, corn, sunflowers and most importantly kindergartners. (We are almost ready to bloom into first graders)

When we got to school on Monday we noticed our seeds were sprouting!

We celebrated Cinco de Mayo this week!  We had fun with a little Mexican addition and salsa!

We pulled out some playing cards to brush up on our addition.

We were all about  plants this week. We made our own flowers and labeled the different parts.

We had a blast playing Twister with our sight words.

We learned about the life cycle of a plant.

On Friday Jennifer Sharp Knott visited us from the high school and candled our chick eggs.  It looks like we have the potential for ten chicks to hatch!

I got some sweet notes and gifts this week. Thanks for making my week so special.

We enjoyed our last field trip of the year. Everyone loved the play Henry and Mudge.

 This will be our last regular blog post of the year.  I will be taking a break to work on our special  end of the year slide show. I hope you have enjoyed watching us learn and grow this year.

 Stay tuned for chick updates!