Friday, October 23, 2015

Celebrating 50 days together!

We celebrated 50 days together this week. We have learned so much. We are one big happy family!

We practiced blowing bubbles.

We wrote 50 sight words.

Root beer floats were a big hit.

We had fun dancing to 50's music. Hula hoops were so much fun.

We have been working hard on becoming great readers and writers.



Thanks to everyone who has sent in socks for our Socktober event. We are collecting until October 30th.

We have been learning all about the life cycle of a pumpkin.

We are working on our teen numbers in math.

We practiced writing our numbers in shaving cream.

We read The Very Busy Spider and made spiders for food Friday.

To help us celebrate Red Ribbon Week we will have a different theme that students may dress up for.

Monday: No drugs in my dreams (PJ Day)
Tuesday:  Staying Healthy is our job (Career Day)
Wednesday:  Drugs are old school (Oldies Day)
Thursday: Red From head to toe ( Wear your red Kindergarten shirt)
Friday: Drugs are scary (Halloween/wacky day) No masks, jumpsuits, face paint or toy weapons.

 Have a wonderful weekend!

Friday, October 16, 2015

Fire Safety Week

We had a busy week of learning. It was fire safety week.  A big thank you to Station No. 3 for coming and teaching us ways to be prepared in case of a fire.

I got to be a volunteer firefighter for about 10 minutes.
 Here I am putting on the HEAVY gear.

 My kiddos were  eager to get a hug from their firefighter teacher. 

I enjoyed being a pretend firefighter....but I think I will keep my day job.
A big thank you to all of the "real" men and women who help keep our community safe.

Future Floyd County Firefighters.

We played a fun math game.  We stood above a picture and dropped colored cubes on top of it.  We had to count and write the number that landed on the picture and the number that landed off the picture.

We are working on our numbers 11-20.

To wrap up our community helpers unit we got a special song dedicated to us on the radio by Mr. Craighead.  We streamed his radio station so that we could hear our special message and song.

We searched for sight words in the newspaper and highlighted them.

I pulled out my "reading" fingers this week.  they were a BIG hit!

We are working  hard to listen for the beginning sound of words.

Look at these adorable firemen.

We made firetrucks for food Friday.

Don't forget Thursday is our 50th day of school.  Wear your best 50's day attire.

Have a wonderful weekend.