Saturday, June 27, 2015

GoNoodle Camp

 Happy Saturday.  Just stopping by to tell you about a great activity for your kiddos. Our class really enjoyed doing the interactive brain breaks on GoNoodle this year.  GoNoodle is a free site with lots of movement activities for kids. (and grown-ups)  On Monday, June 29th GoNoodle will start a camp GoNoodle.   This would be a great opportunity to get your kids up and moving.  The link is below.  Enjoy!


Wednesday, June 24, 2015

Our Kindergarten Garden Update

I went to school this afternoon and did a little garden investigating. My kindergarten kiddos loved to investigate lots of things....and they loved to say the word investigate.  Oh how I miss those sweet faces.

  LOOK!  Our sunflowers are opening up. I bought these sunflowers at Target.  The little kit was a dollar.  Boy...have I gotten my moneys worth.

I spy a baby tomato!

The corn is getting tassels!

This picture shows you how tall the corn is getting. 

I hope everyone is busy having some fun family time.  Don't forget to read some good books!

Wednesday, June 10, 2015

Garden Update

I hope everyone is having a fun summer.  I wanted to share some pictures of our kindergarten garden.  I have been checking on it weekly.  The plants have been soaking up all the rain and sunshine.  Just look how it has grown!

This picture is before we planted.

This picture is the day we planted our plants in our garden.

 Now look at our corn!

Look at our tomato plants!

Look at our sunflowers!

I'll keep you posted on the progress as the summer continues.

I thought I would share a few pictures of our end of the year slide show celebration.

I miss all my kiddos.  Don't forget to read lots of good books this summer.